Keynote Speakers

Professor Gu
Professor Bin GU
Professor and Department Chair of Information Systems at the Questrom School of Business,
Boston University

Professor Bin Gu is Everett W. Lord Distinguished Faculty Scholar, Professor and Department Chair of Information Systems at the Questrom School of Business, Boston University. Professor Gu's research interests are in fintech, digital platforms, the future of work, online social media and social network, mobile commerce and IT-enabled business models. His work has appeared in leading academic journals, including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Retailing, and others. Before joining Boston University, Professor Gu was on the faculty of Arizona State University as Earl and Gladys Davis Distinguished Professor and associate dean of China Programs. Professor Gu has also been on the faculty of University of Texas at Austin. Before coming to academia, Professor Gu had worked for Arthur Andersen as a consultant. 

Prof. Michael ZHANG
Professor Xiaoquan (Michael) ZHANG
Professor of Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Michael Zhang is a Professor in the Department of Decisions, Operations, and Technology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is the founder of Super Quantum Fund, a quantitative hedge fund that develops AI algorithms for quantitative investing. Prof. Zhang studies how digital technologies change marketing and finance. His research has received more than 10,000 citations and has appeared in American Economic Review, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, etc. He serves as a Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly and was previously an SE for Information Systems Research and an AE for Management Science. He is the author of the book Digital Quantum Leap: Strategies and Tactics of Digital Transformation, and his new book, Navigating the Factor Zoo: The Science of Quantitative Investing, will be published in October 2024.

Prof. FENG
Professor Juan FENG
Professor and Vice Chair of Department of Management Science and Engineering,
Tsinghua University

Juan FENG is Hon Hai chair professor in School of Economics and Management & Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, China. She holds a PhD in Business Administration from Pennsylvania State University, with a dual title in Operations Research. Her research interests are in economics of Information systems, focusing on both analytical modeling and empirical analysis. She has been working on topics such as keyword auctions, advertising and pricing, the economics of online review, block chain and data ownership, etc. She serves as Senior Editor for Information Systems Research, and serves on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Management Information Systems and International Journal of Electronic Commerce. She has published in such journals as Information Systems Research, Journals of Management Information Systems, Management Science, Marketing Science, Production and Operations Management, and Informs Journal on Computing, and others. She serves as vice president of the Association for Information Systems.

Prof. Chee-wee TAN
Professor Chee-wee TAN
Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Chee-Wee Tan is a Professor at the Department of Management and Marketing in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Before joining PolyU, Chee-Wee is a Professor w/ Special Responsibilities in Research Excellence at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Chee-Wee received his PhD in Management Information Systems from the University of British Columbia. His research interests focus on design and innovation issues related to digital platforms. His work has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals such as MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), among others. Chee-Wee is holding or has held Honorary and Guest Professorship positions at Lingnan University (LNU), Monash University Malaysia (MUM), the University of New South Wales (UNSW), the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society. Apart from being a Senior Editor for MISQ, Chee-Wee has served or is currently serving on the editorial boards for ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (DLT), DSS, EJIS, Industrial Management & Data Systems (IMDS), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (IEEE-TEM), Information & Management (I&M), Information Systems Journal (ISJ), Internet Research (IntR), JAIS, Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), Journal of Management Analytics (JMA), JMIS, and MISQ. Finally, Chee-Wee is the Vice President of Publications for the Association for Information Systems.

Prof. Zhenhui JIANG
Professor Zhenhui (Jack) JIANG
Professor of Innovation and Information Management and Padma and Hari Harilela Professor in Strategic Information Management at Business School,
Hong Kong University

Zhenhui (Jack) Jiang is a professor of Innovation and Information Management and Padma and Hari Harilela Professor in Strategic Information Management at HKU Business School. He formerly served as the Area Head of Innovation and Information Management. Prof. Jiang was Chair of SIGCHI of Association for Information Systems (2015-18). His research interests include human computer interaction, artificial intelligence, information privacy, electronic/mobile commerce, and social media. Presently, Professor Jiang serves as a Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly. He has also contributed to editorial boards of many leading Information Systems journals such as Journal of AIS (Senior Editor), Information Systems Research (Associate Editor), MIS Quarterly (Associate Editor), IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, among others. His research contributions are published in premier business journals, such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Management Science, and Journal of MIS.

Prof. Ting LI
Professor Ting LI
Professor of Digital Business of Rotterdam School of Management,
Erasmus University

Ting Li is the Professor of Digital Business at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. She is the founding member and the Academic Director of Digital Business Practice of the Erasmus Centre for Data Science and Business Analytics. Ting Li is an expert in Digital Strategy, Ecommerce, Social Media Analytics, Mobile Marketing, Business Analytics, Online Advertising, and Pricing and Revenue Management. She has been a Visiting Professor at the Wharton School of Business, Temple University, Arizona State University, City University of Hong Kong, and Tsinghua University. In 2017, she was named by Poets & Quants as one of the Top 40 Professors Under 40 Worldwide.

Ting Li's research interest focuses on the understanding of the strategic use of information and its economic impacts on consumer behavior and firm strategy. Theoretically, she proposes new theoretical perspectives to understand why and how firms develop digital capabilities to improve their business capability, and how new information (technologies) impact consumer behavior and decision making. Methodologically, she applies inter-disciplinary approaches combining large-scale randomized field experiments, lab experiment, survey, eye-tracking, agent-based simulation, and machine learning techniques such as text mining and sentiment analysis to investigate the impact of IT on individuals, organizations, markets, and networks. Her work has been published in leading scientific journals, including Management Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Information Technology, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and many others. Her research has been recognized with best paper awards and nominations (European Research Paper of the Year 2015), and best dissertation awards (Prof. Aart Bosman Dissertation Award, Accenture-PIM Marketing Science Dissertation Award). Her interdisciplinary research has been sponsored by multiple grants from the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO) and multinational companies.

Dr Mingjie ZHU
Mr. Mingjie ZHU
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Shanghai CreditAI Information Technology Co.

Mingjie Zhu graduated from the Special Class for the Gifted Young of University of Science and Technology of China. Later he received united training from the University of Science and Technology of China and Microsoft Research Asia, and got his PhD. Afterwards Zhu studied as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Zhu excels at data mining, Internet searches, machine learning, big data R&D and product as well as team management. He also owns numerous patents on machine learning and data mining, and has published plenty of papers on the subjects. In the meantime, Zhu is also a guest professor at the University of Florida, Tongji University, and the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

In the beginning, Zhu joined the team at Yahoo Beijing and took charge of the search science team. He took the lead in machine learning platform core algorithms for Yahoo search and supported machine learning ranking, user intent understanding, and personalized system for Yahoo search and advertising. In 2013, Zhu assumed the post of data director at Ctrip, and built the big data department for Ctrip. He was responsible for Ctrip's basic data platform and machine learning intelligence application, he built the AI platform for Ctrip, increasing performance by several times in user personalized services, search recommendations, and advertising systems. Besides, Zhu also played a leading role in risk pricing and intelligent customer service for Ctrip.

In 2015, Zhu left Ctrip and founded CreditX, a startup combining AI and finance. Taking advantage of machine learning, CreditX mines value from data by virtue of knowledge systems structured through large scale financial scenarios so as to create risk control solutions and product systems based on scenarios, maximize data-driven efficiency for financial customers, and form a continuously optimized closed-loop system from data to financial businesses.